Accessibility Tools
  • Pre-game performance: What to do and when to do it!

    It’s game day! What is the first thing that you need to prioritize to make sure that you’re going to perform at your absolute best come game time? The first thing you need to make sure happens is that you are able to get as close to if not more than 8 hours of sleep.

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  • Return to activity, when and how do I get there?

    This is a question I get almost every day; “When can I get back to playing golf?” or “When can I get back on my surfboard?”. These are tough questions to answer on your own especially if your favorite recreational activity is the reason why you’re at physical therapy right now.

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  • Running Readiness Screen

    Top Four Exercises to Test your Running Readiness: Single Leg Balance: Stand on one leg, other knee flexed up to 90 degrees or hip level, hold position without falling over or using support from hands or foot for at least 30 seconds.

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  • Running Seminar 2018

    Running Workshop

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    Running is a fantastic physical activity that cultivates a myriad of health benefits that include improvements in cardiovascular-respiratory health, musculoskeletal health and bone mineral density, cognitive health, stress reduction and general sense of well being.

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