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Let’s breakdown a individual’s typical day at work; you wake up, you drive to work, you work all day, you drive back home, you have diner, you watch TV, you go to bed.

Now, here is how a health specialist would see this; you wake up, you sit in your car to drive to work, you sit at work all day, you sit in your car todrive back home, you sit to have diner, you sit on the couch to watch TV, you go to bed.

Can you see it now? It’s simple. We are sitting all day without realizing it and it’s silently taking a toll on our body! So here are five things that you can do to take care of your body during a long and busy day at work.

1. Set an alarm to get up from your station. Get moving every hour for at least 5 minutes.

2. When sitting down, place a small towel roll behind your lower back/lumbar area in order to provide support and promote good posture along your spine.

3. STRETCH! STRETCH! And STRETCH! Sitting all day will make the front of your body tighten up—especially your hip flexors, rectus femoris, pectoralis, upper traps, and anterior scalenes (the front of your neck).

4. If available, use a stand-up desk to promote movement.

5. Remember this check list:

  • Chin tucked
  • Shoulders back and down
  • Straight back

Checking these off every so often can go a long way!

The more you move your body, the better. Movement and being aware of your body’s position is key so we hope this little tips and tricks will save you from suffering head, neck, shoulder, and back pain.


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