Accessibility Tools
  • Tendons – What You Need To Know For Tissue Healing!

    Tendinitis or tendinosis can occur in tendons exposed to overuse conditions (e.g., runners, racquet sports, golf, etc) or intrinsic tissue degeneration (e.g., age-related degeneration). The healing potential of a torn or pathologic tendon varies depending on anatomic location (e.g., Achilles vs. Rotator cuff).

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  • Diaphragmatic Breathing

    What is diaphragmatic breathing? The diaphragm is a large muscle that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities and it plays an important role in breathing. To inhale, the diaphragm contracts and pulls down to increase the volume of the lungs. This increased volume allows air to naturally flow into the lungs.

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  • Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) Therapy

    What is compression therapy? Compression therapy increases blood flow in a given area by applying controlled pressure. Pressure can be applied via a compression wrap or a pneumatic device. Pneumatic compression sleeves have multiple compartments that are inflated in sequence to facilitate blood flow.

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  • Pickleball: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

    What is Lateral Epicondylitis? “Tennis Elbow” is caused by overuse of the forearm muscles due to poor body mechanics and overuse, leading to pain, micro-tearing, inflammation, and weakness of the forearm extensor muscles.

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  • Pickleball: What You Need To Know About Knee Pain

    There are many types of injuries associated with pickleball, one of the most common being Knee Pain. Knee pain/stiffness and pickleball seem to come hand in hand for many of us. Why is that? There are some factors about the game which increase stress on the knees that are out of our control.

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  • How Injuries Heal

    In a healthy situation, our injuries heal in four progressive phases beginning with hemostasis which occurs immediately after a wound in the body.

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  • Ice vs Heat – What’s Best For You?

    If you had to choose to be in freezing weather or in hot summer weather, which one would you pick?” — I eventually ask this question to every patient who is set up on ice or heat during their physical therapy treatment.

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  • Pre-game performance: What to do and when to do it!

    It’s game day! What is the first thing that you need to prioritize to make sure that you’re going to perform at your absolute best come game time? The first thing you need to make sure happens is that you are able to get as close to if not more than 8 hours of sleep.

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  • Return to activity, when and how do I get there?

    This is a question I get almost every day; “When can I get back to playing golf?” or “When can I get back on my surfboard?”. These are tough questions to answer on your own especially if your favorite recreational activity is the reason why you’re at physical therapy right now.

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  • How to pair Personal Training with your physical therapy?

    So you just started physical therapy for your knee replacement and this means you can’t workout while you’re completing your rehab.

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