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  • Pickleball: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

    What is Lateral Epicondylitis? “Tennis Elbow” is caused by overuse of the forearm muscles due to poor body mechanics and overuse, leading to pain, micro-tearing, inflammation, and weakness of the forearm extensor muscles.

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  • Pelvic Floor

    So you must know a little about physical therapy if you made it to this site, however did you know that there are specialities that exist? There are orthopedics (looking more at the bones and muscle injuries) most people who think of PT are thinking about orthopedics (I.e. healing after ACL repair or you have shoulder pain because of arthritis).

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  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy, where common peripheral nerves become compressed.

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  • Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome “Shin Splints”

    Shin splints can usually be linked to overloading the muscles of the lower extremities with high mileage running programs, hard running surfaces, high impact activities (sprinting, jumping) or they can also be attributed to biomechanical and/or anatomical irregularities.

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  • Running Gait Improvements (Part 2)

    As you recently learned about faulty gait mechanics due to tibial torsion in the knee, another common cause of knee pain with physical activity is limited hip range of motion (ROM). It is vital that your pelvis, hip, knee and foot joints maintain full ROM when performing any sort of high-impact movements such as running.

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  • Running Gait Improvements (Part 1)

    There are many causes of knee pain that could stem from an early age. The term “pigeon toe” is often times derived from a clinical diagnosis called Tibial Torsion.

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  • FAQ: Meniscus Tear

    The meniscus of your knee is cartilage that acts as a cushion and shack absorber between your femur and tibia.

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  • FAQ: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

    Patellofemoral pain is a catch-all term to describe pain in the front of the knee around the kneecap(patella).

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  • FAQ: Ankle Sprains

    An ankle sprain is the stretching of a ligament past its length.

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  • FAQ: Tendinitis & Tendinosis

    Learn more about the various range of motion and strengthening programs on our YouTube channel. Shoulder & Elbow joints: Shoulder Foam Roller Series Upper Body Foam Roller Series Shoulder Theraband Series 1 Upper Body Single Band Workout Serratus Anterior Strength Series Knee & Ankle joints:

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