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Running is a fantastic physical activity that cultivates a myriad of health benefits that include improvements in cardiovascular-respiratory health, musculoskeletal health and bone mineral density, cognitive health, stress reduction and general sense of well being.

As much as lacing up those sneakers can be beneficial, there is a risk of injury that derail those weight loss, fitness and competitive time goals if appropriate preparation isn’t taken.

Research has identified several risk variables for running related injuries broken up into intrinsic (physical characteristics and mechanics) and extrinsic (training/experience) factors

Intrinsic factors include: Previous injury, Increased age, Hip abductor weakness,Lower stride rate, Low step rate, Higher BMI, Male sex, Decreased calf muscle strength.

Extrinsic factors include: Less running experience, Excessive weekly distance, Lower running volume, >30% weekly progression in training, < 2 resting days/week, Having used orthotics/inserts, Minimalist footwear.

Becoming injured after embarking on a running program can be very deflating and painful. A way to educate yourself about getting your body ready to run and decrease your chance of injury is to visit a healthcare provider who understands the physical demands of running and structured training programs.

At Core Performance Physical Therapy, we take an injury prevention focus to runners of all abilities with the goal of identifying risk variables through a detailed medical/training history and thorough functional screening examinations that include a physical exam and treadmill gait analysis.

Our upcoming seminar entitled back on track is a great introduction to understanding which if any risks to injury from running you may sustain, the types of common injuries and how to manage them with practical tests and exercises that can keep you going. Special guest Dr. Emilia Ravski, Sports Med Physician from Newport Orthopedic Institute will be speaking about diagnosis and medical management of running related injuries. She offers a great perspective as she competes in local half-marathons and most recent marathon completion in Hawaii in late 2017.

Back on track will be on Monday November 12, 2018 at 6:30 pm at our Irvine clinic. This is a free seminar so be sure to RSVP to

For an attached flyer, please click here!

Adam Javate PT, DPT

Clinical Director of Physical Therapy


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